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Enabling Astroscale's Space Clean-Up Mission with AWS Managed Services

Cloud Bridge
Cloud Bridge


Cloud Bridge, a leading provider of cloud migration and managed services, collaborated with Astroscale, a pioneer in space debris removal, to successfully migrate their ELSA-d Mission Control Centre to Amazon Web Services (AWS). This critical infrastructure manages Astroscale's satellites, playing a vital role in their mission to create a sustainable space environment. 


Astroscale's on-premises ELSA-d system, managing their satellite constellation for space debris removal, faced limitations in scalability, security, and compliance. The legacy infrastructure struggled to keep pace with the growing demands of their mission, hindering their ability to efficiently control and monitor their satellites. Additionally, ensuring regulatory compliance for the control of space assets presented a significant challenge. 


Cloud Bridge leveraged its expertise in AWS migrations and managed services to deliver a comprehensive solution for Astroscale. The project involved: 

 Migration to AWS: Cloud Bridge seamlessly migrated the entire ELSA-d system, including Windows, Linux, and regulated software, to a secure and scalable AWS environment. 

Managed Services: Cloud Bridge provides ongoing managed services for the migrated infrastructure, ensuring optimal performance, security, and regulatory compliance. This includes: 

  • 24/7 monitoring and management 
  • Proactive maintenance and patching 
  • Security best practices implementation 
  • Compliance support 
Focus on Core Mission with Managed Expertise

Cloud Bridge's managed services take the burden of infrastructure management off Astroscale's shoulders. This frees up their team to focus on their core mission – developing and deploying solutions for a sustainable space environment. 

 By partnering with Cloud Bridge and leveraging AWS, Astroscale has achieved significant benefits: 

  • Enhanced Scalability and Agility: The cloud-based infrastructure allows Astroscale to easily scale their resources up or down as needed, supporting their ongoing mission growth. 
  • Improved Security and Compliance: Cloud Bridge's managed services ensure the highest security standards are maintained, along with ongoing support for regulatory compliance with relevant space industry regulations. 
  • Reduced Costs and Increased Efficiency: By utilising AWS managed services, Astroscale benefits from cost optimisation and eliminates the need to manage in-house infrastructure, freeing up resources for their core mission activities. 
  • Peace of Mind: Cloud Bridge's expertise and dedicated support provide Astroscale with peace of mind, allowing them to focus on their critical space debris removal mission.

Cloud Bridge's successful migration of Astroscale's ELSA-d system to AWS demonstrates the power of cloud technology in supporting complex space operations. This collaboration empowers Astroscale to achieve their mission of creating a sustainable space environment with a secure, scalable, and cost-effective infrastructure. By leveraging Cloud Bridge's expertise and AWS managed services, Astroscale can focus on their innovative mission while ensuring the highest levels of security, compliance, and efficiency. 

