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Seamless AWS Migration with Cloud Bridge

Chart a clear path to AWS with Cloud Bridge, your AWS Migration Competency Partner.

Why Migrate & Modernise on AWS?

  • Migration is more than a move; it’s a transformation. It enables your business to leverage AWS’s innovative and expansive tech suite, driving operational and cost efficiency, scalability, and the opportunity to create a competitive edge.

  • Modernisation isn’t just an upgrade, it’s a reimagining of what your workloads can achieve, with cutting-edge technology and smart, sustainable solutions.

Talk to us

migrate with confidence

Why Partner Up for your Migration?

Moving your business or specific workloads to AWS is no small feat. It involves juggling a unique blend of applications, safeguarding your data, minimising downtime, and making sure costs stay in check – all while securing executive buy-in and ensuring your team has the expertise to manage the new environment.


As an AWS Migration Competency Partner, we’ve helped 100’s of businesses navigate the complexities, and ensure an AWS migration delivers business value. Here’s how:

  • Build a Business Case

    From day one, we’ll help you to build a compelling, data-driven business case that clearly demonstrates the ROI of migrating to AWS.

  • Access the Map Programme

    We’ll take you on a tried and tested three phased process – the AWS Migration Acceleration Programme (MAP) – providing you with a clear structure for your migration.

  • Unlock Funding

    Our expertise in the AWS Migration Acceleration Program (MAP) helps to secure funding for you, making your migration journey cost-effective.

Accelerate Your Cloud Journey

The AWS Migration Acceleration Programme (MAP) is our blueprint for getting you to the cloud smoothly. It’s a straightforward, cost-effective path, backed by expertise and support.

  • Speed: it’s in the name – acceleration. You move faster because you’re following a proven roadmap.

  • Cost Savings: we can unlock funding programmes that can significantly lower the cost of migration.

  • Expertise: You’re not going it alone. Expert advice from a team who’ve done this many times before means you’re making informed decisions every step of the way.

  • Risk Reduction – with a structured approach, you’re less likely to hit unexpected bumps on the way.

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the AWS migration acceleration programme (MAP)

The Three Phases:


The Assess phase gives us a clear picture of where you stand and what you’re aiming for. We’ll look at your current setup and figure out how it translates to AWS, breaking down the costs and how we can make them leaner. It's about understanding what you’ve got, how it’ll fit in the cloud, and what it’ll cost to get there—and run there. We use some smart tools to estimate your total costs, aiming to save you money on everything from servers to software. By the end of this phase, you’ll have a clear roadmap that’s aligned with your goals, ensuring a smooth start to your cloud journey.


At Mobilise, we roll up our sleeves and map out how we'll move your workloads to AWS. Think of it as setting up base camp (your "landing zone") for your cloud journey. We'll take what we learned in the Assess phase, plug any gaps, and get everything—and everyone—cloud-ready. We’ll sketch out a detailed plan, including how we'll shift your applications using strategies like lift and shift, or tweaking things to fit better in the cloud. Then, we lay it all out for you: the plan, the costs, and what you'll get out of it, with a straightforward, no-pressure quote. We follow up with a ‘proof of concept’ migration to validate the strategy.

Migrate & Modernise

In the Migrate & Modernise phase, we tap into various AWS funding programmes to ease the financial load. From start to finish, we handle the heavy lifting—designing, migrating, and making sure everything works just right. We’ve got all the tools needed to speed things up, keeping track of everything from cloud adoption plans to modernising – aligning your infrastructure with best practices and emerging tech. We’ll now work in concert with you to migrate in predetermined waves.

Migration Assessment Anchor

Start your AWS Journey Here

If you'd like to find out more about migrating to AWS with Cloud Bridge, simply complete this form and we'll be in touch.


Join our customers on cloud nine

Here’s what some of the customers we’ve helped to access the cloud have to say.

The project was delivered on time and on budget so I'm really happy with the service Cloud Bridge provided to us and would certainly recommend them to anyone else looking to migrate to AWS.
Joe Jones
We knew we had a great app idea for our services, but we needed it to be secure/scalable and have the ability to go global with it if required in the future. We were impressed by CB to take the time to understand our business ambitions and support us to develop and deploy the app from a legacy environment to AWS Native services
Jamie Hodgson


The Beginning or End of Your Cloud Journey?

If you’ve just completed a lift-and shift migration, then that’s the beginning of your journey. You’re now in AWS and we’re at the first step of continuous improvement.

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FinOps for Cost Savings

We help customers save up to 40% on their cloud spend.


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Modernise & Scale

We’ll identify ways to modernise, scale and support you to become more cloud native.

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Improve Cloud Governance

Enhance control and compliance with our services focused on Cloud Centre of excellence and Well-Architected frameworks.

Free up time with Managed Services tab background image

Free up time with Managed Services

Reclaim valuable time with our comprehensive Managed Services, handling the day-to-day.

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Stay Ahead with AI

Keep your competitive edge with our advanced AI and ML services, driving innovation.