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Building on AWS with CloudFormation

Cloud Bridge
Cloud Bridge


Manage your Cloud infrastructure More Efficiently, Securely and Cost-Effectively

Cloud Bridge focuses on simplifying our customers' experience and leveraging the agility and benefits of using the cloud. One of the key tools we use for this is AWS CloudFormation (CFn). AWS CloudFormation provides an easy way to model a collection of related AWS and third-party resources, provision them quickly and consistently, and manage them throughout their lifecycles by treating infrastructure as code.

AWS CloudFormation is a service that allows you to define and deploy cloud infrastructure as code. This means that instead of manually setting up and configuring your cloud resources, you can use CloudFormation to automate the process. This can save you time and effort and ensure that your resources are consistent and reliable across your environment.

To use AWS CloudFormation, you first need to create a template. A template is a text file that describes the infrastructure resources you want to create. The template can be written in JSON or YAML format. Once you have created a template, you can use the AWS CloudFormation console to create, update, or delete the resources described in the template. You can also use the AWS Command-Line Interface (CLI) or the AWS SDKs to create, update, or delete resources from your templates.

The following are some of the most effective uses of CloudFormation when it comes to migration and automating infrastructure:

Infrastructure Replication

CloudFormation allows you to define your existing on-premises or legacy infrastructure as code. By creating a CloudFormation template that represents your current infrastructure, you can easily replicate it in the AWS cloud. This helps to maintain consistency between your existing environment and the cloud environment during the migration process.

Automated Provisioning​

CloudFormation enables you to automate the provisioning of AWS resources. Instead of manually setting up resources one by one, you can define them in a CloudFormation template and use it to create a stack. This automation saves time and effort, especially when dealing with complex infrastructures.

Template-based Deployment

With CloudFormation, you can create templates that encapsulate the configuration and relationships between resources. These templates serve as a blueprint for your infrastructure, making it easier to deploy and manage resources consistently. This reduces the chances of human error and ensures that the migrated infrastructure matches the desired state.

Dependency Management

During migration, you may have dependencies between different components of your infrastructure. CloudFormation handles dependency management automatically, ensuring that resources are created in the correct order to meet dependencies. This simplifies the migration process and reduces the risk of errors or inconsistencies.

Rollbacks and Drift Detection

CloudFormation provides rollback functionality, allowing you to revert to a previous known good state if an update or migration fails. This gives you the ability to recover quickly from any issues encountered during the migration process. Additionally, CloudFormation's drift detection helps identify any manual changes made to the stack after it was deployed, ensuring that your migrated infrastructure remains in the desired state.

Version Control and Auditability:

By representing your infrastructure as code, CloudFormation templates can be stored in version control systems, providing a history of changes and enabling collaboration among team members. This brings benefits such as code review, traceability, and the ability to roll back to a previous version if needed. It also improves the auditability of your migration process.

Scalability and Elasticity

CloudFormation integrates with AWS services like Auto Scaling Groups, Elastic Load Balancers, and AWS Elastic Beanstalk, enabling you to build scalable and elastic architectures during the migration. You can easily define scaling policies and load balancing configurations in your CloudFormation templates, ensuring that your migrated infrastructure can handle increased workloads.


Integration with AWS Migration Services

AWS provides a range of migration services, such as AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) and AWS Server Migration Service (SMS). CloudFormation integrates with these services, allowing you to include migration tasks in your CloudFormation templates. This simplifies the coordination of migration activities and helps automate the migration of databases, servers, and other workloads.

AWS Database Migration Service (DMS):

AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) streamlines the migration of databases to AWS. It can migrate both homogenous and heterogeneous databases, such as Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server. CloudFormation offers integration with DMS through AWS DMS resource types. In CloudFormation templates, you can configure DMS resources like replication instances, endpoints, migration tasks, and other related settings. This allows you to manage the database migration process along with other infrastructure resources defined in the template. By using CloudFormation's automation and infrastructure-as-code capabilities, you can easily manage and track the migration of databases as part of your overall migration project. This integration simplifies the coordination of database migrations, ensures consistency, and provides a streamlined approach to managing your entire infrastructure migration.

AWS Application Migration Service

Amazon Application Migration Service helps facilitate the transition of your existing on-premises or cloud data to the AWS Cloud environment.​

Previously, AWS offered CloudEndure Migration and Server Migration Service (SMS) for lift and shift scenarios. Customers currently using CloudEndure Migration or Server Migration Service (SMS) are encouraged to switch to AWS Application Migration Service (AWS MGN) for future migrations.​

Leveraging AWS Application Migration Service, you can maintain normal business operations throughout the replication process. It continuously replicates source servers, resulting in little to no performance impact. Continuous replication also allows non-disruptive testing and shortens cutover windows

AWS CloudFormation provides a convenient and automated way to manage updates to significant numbers of launch templates (used by MGN). Launch templates define the configuration of target instances when they are launched, including the AMI, instance type, security groups, and other settings.

By using AWS CloudFormation for migration, you can benefit from infrastructure automation, repeatability, scalability, and integration with other AWS services. It simplifies the migration process, reduces manual effort, and provides a consistent and controlled approach to migrating your infrastructure to the cloud.

In conclusion, AWS CloudFormation is a powerful tool that can help you manage your cloud infrastructure more efficiently, consistently, reliably, securely, and cost-effectively. We encourage you to reach out to us if you are interested in learning more about how CloudFormation can benefit your organisation or if you need assistance with creating templates or managing your cloud resources. Our team of experts can help you design and implement a cloud infrastructure that meets your specific needs and goals.

With Cloud Bridge and AWS CloudFormation, you can enjoy the benefits of the cloud without the complexity and headaches of managing it yourself.

